Source code for tiresias

from arrayLSTM            import      LSTM
from arrayLSTM            import ArrayLSTM
from arrayLSTM.extensions import  AttentionArrayLSTM
from arrayLSTM.extensions import StochasticArrayLSTM
from torchtrain import Module
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim

[docs]class Tiresias(Module): """Implementation of Tiresias From `Tiresias: Predicting security events through deep learning`_ by Shen et al. .. _`Tiresias: Predicting security events through deep learning`: Note ---- This is a `batch_first=True` implementation, hence the `forward()` method expect inputs of `shape=(batch, seq_len, input_size)`. Attributes ---------- input_size : int Size of input dimension hidden_size : int Size of hidden dimension output_size : int Size of output dimension k : int Number of parallel memory structures, i.e. cell states to use """
[docs] def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, output_size, k): """Implementation of Tiresias Parameters ---------- input_size : int Size of input dimension hidden_size : int Size of hidden dimension output_size : int Size of output dimension k : int Number of parallel memory structures, i.e. cell states to use """ # Initialise super super().__init__() # Set dimensions self.input_size = input_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.output_size = output_size self.k = k # Initialise layers # self.lstm = ArrayLSTM(input_size, hidden_size, k) self.lstm = StochasticArrayLSTM(input_size, hidden_size, k) self.linear = nn.Linear(hidden_size, output_size) self.softmax = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1)
[docs] def forward(self, X): """Forward data through the network Parameters ---------- X : torch.Tensor of shape=(n_samples, seq_len) Input of sequences, these will be one-hot encoded to an array of shape=(n_samples, seq_len, input_size) Returns ------- result : torch.Tensor of shape=(n_samples, size_out) Returns a probability distribution of the possible outputs """ # One-hot encode input encoded = F.one_hot(X, self.input_size).to(torch.float32) # Pass through LSTM layer out, (hidden, state) = self.lstm(encoded) # Take hidden state as output hidden = hidden.squeeze(0) # Pass through linear layer out = self.linear(hidden) # Perform softmax and return return self.softmax(out)
[docs] def predict(self, X, k=1, variable=False, verbose=True): """Predict the k most likely output values Parameters ---------- X : torch.Tensor of shape=(n_samples, seq_len) Input of sequences, these will be one-hot encoded to an array of shape=(n_samples, seq_len, input_size) k : int, default=1 Number of output items to generate variable : boolean, default=False If True, predict inputs of different sequence lengths verbose : boolean, default=True If True, print output Returns ------- result : torch.Tensor of shape=(n_samples, k) k most likely outputs confidence : torch.Tensor of shape=(n_samples, k) Confidence levels for each output """ # Get the predictions result = super().predict(X, variable=variable, verbose=verbose) # Get the probabilities from the log probabilities result = result.exp() # Compute k most likely outputs confidence, result = result.topk(k) # Return result return result, confidence
[docs] def predict_online(self, X, y, k = 1, epochs = 10, batch_size = 32, learning_rate = 0.0001, criterion = nn.NLLLoss(), optimizer = optim.SGD, variable = False, verbose = True, **kwargs): """Predict samples in X and update the network only if the prediction does not match y Parameters ---------- X : torch.Tensor Tensor to predict/train with y : torch.Tensor Target tensor k : int, default=1 Number of output items to generate epochs : int, default=10 Number of epochs to train with batch_size : int, default=32 Default batch size to use for training learning_rate : float, default=0.01 Learning rate to use for optimizer criterion : nn.Loss, default=nn.NLLLoss Loss function to use optimizer : optim.Optimizer, default=optim.SGD Optimizer to use for training variable : boolean, default=False If True, accept inputs of variable length verbose : boolean, default=True If True, prints training progress Returns ------- result : torch.Tensor of shape=(n_samples, k) k most likely outputs confidence : torch.Tensor of shape=(n_samples, k) Confidence levels for each output """ # Initialise output result = list() confidence = list() # Loop over each batch for batch in range(0, len(X), batch_size): # Extract batch X_ = X[batch:batch+batch_size] y_ = y[batch:batch+batch_size] # Get prediction y_pred_, confidence_ = self.predict(X_, k, variable=variable, verbose=False) # Add prediction result .append(y_pred_ ) confidence.append(confidence_) # Check if prediction matches output match = y_pred_[:, 0] == y_ for i in range(1, k): match |= y_pred_[:, i] == y_ # Update non-matching output if any if match.sum() != match.shape[0]:[~match], y_[~match], epochs = epochs, batch_size = batch_size, learning_rate = learning_rate, criterion = criterion, optimizer = optimizer, variable = variable, verbose = verbose, **kwargs) # Concatenate outputs and return result = , dim=0) confidence =, dim=0) # Return result return result, confidence
######################################################################## # Save/load model # ######################################################################## def save(self, outfile): """Save model to output file. Parameters ---------- outfile : string File to output model. """ # Save to output file, outfile) @classmethod def load(cls, infile, device=None): """Load model from input file. Parameters ---------- infile : string File from which to load model. """ # Load state dictionary state_dict = torch.load(infile, map_location=device) # Get input variables from state_dict input_size = state_dict.get('lstm.i2h.weight').shape[1] hidden_size = state_dict.get('lstm.h2h.weight').shape[1] output_size = input_size k = state_dict.get('lstm.i2h.weight').shape[0] // (4*hidden_size) # Create ContextBuilder result = cls( input_size = input_size, hidden_size = hidden_size, output_size = output_size, k = k, ) # Cast to device if necessary if device is not None: result = # Set trained parameters result.load_state_dict(state_dict) # Return result return result